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The IEP must include:

(7) The projected date for the beginning of the services and modifications described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, and the anticipated frequency, location, and duration of those services and modifications.  §300.320(a)(7)


This is where the details are specified about the services that a child with a disability will receive—the when, where, how often, how long of service delivery. The service delivery statement in the IEP should include:

  • how often the child will receive the service(s) (number of times per day or week);

  • how long each “session” will last (number of minutes)

  • where services will be provided (in the general education classroom or another setting such as a special education resource room); and

  • when services will begin and end (starting and ending dates).



43 Greenbriar Road

Thorndale, PA 19372



C: 610-613-4931

O- 610-964-0143


© 2021 by Marie Lewis

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